

Honed finish

A semi-polished smooth egg-shell finish. This is suitable for Semond light, Charmot and Mareuil B5. It should be avoided for exterior use or in areas likely to be wet as it is not slip resistant unless given appropriate treatment. The tiles are calibrated.


Aged flagstone

The surface finish appears older than a traditional brushed finish, with a more accentuated texture and greater patina obtained by using very fine grain abrasive brushes. The tiles are worked slowly to wear the stones with intensity, and the edges hand worked to recreate the occasional random chip while conserving their straight form. Inspired by old tiles from a bygone age.



A bush-hammer tool, which is equipped points mounted on rollers, creates a rough finish with indentations of 1 to 2 mm. This is followed by brushing which smooths the surface while leaving the edges lightly chiseled. Sharp edges are not available with this finish.


Sawn finish

Comprising some linear or circular saw marks caused by the sawing tools (circular or straight blades), the thickness is not calibrated (+1 to 2 mm)


Hand-chiseled edges

The top periphery edge of the tiles is reworked by hand, with the arris having random chips; can be applied to all finishes.


Lightly chipped edges

Tile with the periphery edges of the face having some small chips irregular in size and intensity, only available with the finish bush-hammered and brushed.



Face with fine traces of tooling, similar to the honed finish in flatness, edges sawn. This finish lightens the stones by using an aggressive abrasive. Only for exterior use.



Recommended for Beaunotte, Lanvignes and Mareuil B3/4. The finish shows a small ripple effect created by the variation of harder and softer elements in the stone, with a final aspect that is soft to the touch. Restores colour to the stone.


‘A l’Ancienne’

The surface is treated to give a more irregular finish and a more accentuated texture and then brushed with very fine grain abrasives to produce a patina resembling tiles from a bygone age. The edges are hand-worked to recreate the occasional random chip while conserving their straight form.

Average weight of a square metre of tiles.
10 mm thick: 25 kg

Thickness reserved for a limited range of sizes and a minimum quantity of 200m2

15 mm thick: 37 kg

Standard thickness of our floors, fixed with tile cement.

19 mm thick: 48 kg

Thickness for certain sizes and materials.

30 mm thick: 75 kg

Used for pool surrounds, outdoor steps, wall coping, paving laid on sand or fresh mortar screeds.

40 mm thick: 100 kg

Used for pool surrounds, outdoor steps, wall coping, 400 x 400 mm tiles supported on pedestals.

48 mm thick: 125kg

Used for pool edges, outdoor steps, wall coping, 500 x 500 mm tiles supported on pedestals.